Chapter One verse two

Using the resulting noise and confusion and a little help from a top of the line set of lockpicks, Hector managed to greet the other side of the door before Felipe was fished out of the drink.
Darkness surrounded him faster than the feeling of lonliness that always accompanies it. How quickly he recalled the layout of the office was contrasted only by the slowness in which he made his way across it. Apparently, someone had left the computer on providing the perfect beacon for him to follow. Locating the printer was actually harder than he anticipated. The printer had been attached to the desk from underneath; hanging upside down like a bat. Working with a clever combination of speed and efficiency, Rook carefully removed the printer ribbon from the humming printer. He had just reached down to retrieve it’s replacement when he heard the sounds of gunfire coming from the rear deck. The gunfire element seemed to put his mission on a whole new timetable.
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